At any given time the Council will be working on several projects, details of which for the current year can be seen below.
An EMR is an Ear Marked Reserve, this is a pot of money that has been agreed to be spent on a particular project and has been 'reserved' for that purpose. EMRs and larger projects are agreed when the annual budget is set, often projects will take more than one year to complete and so EMRs may be agreed to span several years.
A full list of current EMRs can be seen within the monthly income & expenditure reports which can be found here.
Any money left in an EMR after the project has been completed will be transferred back into the general reserves.
Hampden Pond
The perimeter and fencing have been repaired and pathways improved. The lillies have been cleared back and some erosion and banking issues fixed. In the future we will be looking at water level consistency and water quality to improve biodiversity
Click here for project information and progress

Ever since the open spaces survey identified the need for a facility that caters for teenagers and young adults the Council have been looking to raise funds and build a skatepark at Ashbrook Park. The current design and access statement is available here. Planning permission has now been granted and funding can now be secured.
Click here for project information and progress

Sustainability and Climate Action Wendover (CLAW)
The Council is working to reduce it's carbon footprint and help improve the environment and biodiversity within Wendover. We work in partnership with CLAW in their ambition to plant trees and develop the Wendover Wildbelt with fruit trees and bushes that can be foraged by the local community.

Parking Review - project now closed
In 2019 a consultation was initiated in Wendover about some of the problems experienced with parking around Wendover. Since then a whole range of opinions and options on what parking controls will benefit the community have been explored. The lines are finally implemented. Wendover Parish Council have sent a letter outlining how the process has been unsatisfactorily managed by Buckinghamshire Council but the project is now closed.
Click here for project information and progress

Transport and Traffic
Traffic in and around Wendover is an emotive and complex issue. The current priorities are:
Speeding on South Street - we have been collecting speeding data from the road and are seeking appropriate mitigations for speeds of up to 80mph in the 30mph zone.
Traffic in and around the School - working with the schools to change behaviours and implement change

Open Spaces and Parks
We seek to invest in our open spaces by improving the biodiversity and replacing and updating play equipment so that our facilities can be enjoyed for generations to come. A reserve has been established to start saving for a replacement programme

Clock Tower Wall and Fountain - project now closed
The old wall adjacent to the Clock Tower has been protected from further damage. A restoration project was underway but it appears that the damage to the wall is greater than originally envisaged. Much of the work that was undertaken was on the drainage and surrounding areas rather than the wall itself.
click here for project reportÂ

Christmas Lights - project now closed
A project to renew and refresh the Christmas lights which were currently old and prone to breakages and needed constant maintenance. The works kept the character and charm that people enjoy on the high street with new units that reduce electricity consumption and do not need as much maintenance.

Community Events
More info to follow.