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Wendover Neighbourhood Plan | May 2019

Thank you once again for all your comments on the Draft Plan and the Local Green Spaces Report. Generally, both seem to have been very well received. All comments are now being considered and are being summarised in a Consultation Statement.

Consequential changes will be made to produce a “Final Plan”, which, it is hoped, will be presented for approval to the Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 7 May. All documents can be seen at

Constructive comments have been made on various housing policies, some of which will be incorporated in the rewording of the final policies. The quality of some of the Maps has been criticised. These will be changed.

Some very well argued views have been received about detailed elements of the alignment of the Settlement Boundary and some of the proposed designated Local Green Spaces. As a result, the amended Plan will make a local alteration to the Settlement Boundary and changes will be made to the Green Spaces.

There have been suggestions that the local value and importance of the Wendover Arm Canal should be given greater emphasis. This will be done, with reference being made to its potential for further development for leisure and recreational purposes.

As in the earlier consultation stages, people have raised the need for more off-street parking in Wendover, particularly given the planned re-development of RAF Halton. Disappointment has been expressed that the Plan does not propose a clear solution to this issue.

Inevitably, much comment was received about issues which the Plan is unable to address. These include the RAF Halton re-development, HS2, on-going traffic issues and on-street parking. Where possible the Parish Council will promote appropriate action within future iterations of its Community Action Plan. 


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