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View from the Chair of Finance

During these unprecedented times, Wendover Parish Council business is carrying on, albeit in a different manner. The financial side of the Council has continued over the internet with virtual meetings including the recent internal audit. The audit was very successfully completed on 22 June with just two minor recommendations for the coming year, thanks to the excellent work by the Deputy Clerk whose diligence and commitment is greatly appreciated. As a result the Parish Council is in a strong financial position despite the extra costs incurred during the Covid-19 outbreak.

With the delay to the Parish Council elections until 2021 and after the resignation of Cllr Campbell, there were four empty seats on the Council in June. Following an extraordinary council meeting on 23 June four candidates for co-option were successfully elected to the council making our full complement of 13. We are delighted to welcome Pam Chambers, Kieren Jarratt, Jo Moore and Diane Washington to join us and look forward to working with them.

As restrictions to activities are relaxed it has been great to see the Thursday market back on the Manor Waste. It is gradually coming back to full strength and the one way system with hand sanitising is working well. By the time this is distributed, the playgrounds should be open and I know that my grandchildren will be delighted to use the equipment again; it’s been hard to walk past it and not be able to have a go on it!

One last plea is that those who use our wonderful outside spaces please take any rubbish away with you and keep Wendover looking lovely, otherwise the grounds team have extra work to do and the health hazards are likely to affect us all. Let us not be a pocket of infection due to thoughtless behaviour!

Sheila Bulpett

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