At this difficult time, the Royal British Legion is working hard to ensure our vital services and support remain available to the Armed Forces community.
The health of our beneficiaries, members, volunteers and Legion employees is our priority. Following Government advice, we have made some changes to ensure we continue to both support and protect our community.
The Legion continues to provide much needed support to the Armed Forces community, especially those who may be feeling more isolated than ever at this time, in a number of ways:
· The Legion’s contact centre remains fully operational to support the Armed Forces community and can be reached on 0808 802 8080 (8am-8pm, seven days a week) or at We have broadened some of our specialist services , for example , our Benefits , Debt and Money Advice team are able to offer income maximisation advice to those members of the Armed Forces Community , Veterans , their families and Carers who have been impacted by Covid 19
· The Legion continues to operate the Veterans’ Gateway along with a network of Armed Forces organisations. The Gateway supports veterans and their families across a range of issue including housing, employment and finances. Advisers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on 0808 802 1212 or through
· Legion Branches are undertaking a range of activities to help the vulnerable in their communities, including operating a telephone buddy service to support vulnerable individuals and our wider community. If you are aware of vulnerable individuals needing assistance then please contact us on 0808 802 802 8080
· Our Branch Community Support volunteers are exploring ways to provide remote support to beneficiaries.
· The Legion continues to operate its 6 care homes providing residential, nursing and specialist dementia care to approximately 450 veterans and their dependents.
In line with Government advice, the Legion’s 15 Pop-In Centres on high streets around the UK are closed until it is safe to reopen them. All home visits have been suspended to protect beneficiaries, staff and volunteers, and we have found new ways of connecting, with casework and support continuing to those who need our assistance . Additionally, we have strongly recommended that all Legion branch meetings and Member events are cancelled or postponed.
Remembrance events
The Legion had to cancel the events that it had planned in London for the VE Day weekend , however , it remained at the fore of events with a very successful day of virtual events , which provided a much needed lift to local communities .At the present moment we are unsure of what VJ might look like in August, we will of course ,continue to work within Govt guidelines and restrictions and await further detail.
The Legion has also taken the difficult decision not to continue with planned events in Bayeux to commemorate the 76th anniversary of D-Day. We are continuing to identify ways that we can still commemorate the anniversary of D-Day on Saturday 6th June.
Coronavirus is having an unprecedented impact across all statutory services, and those of charities. At this time our primary focus is therefore on supporting Service personnel, veterans and their families, however they need us.
If there are any ways in which we can also support your work, such as with further information or support to clients, please do let us know. If you wish to get in touch or have any further questions, please contact me at the details given below
With best wishes,
Patricia Chadwick , Area Manager , South East Midlands
Email :