Works update
· The Ellesborough Road diversion is to come into use before Easter, but still with traffic lights for the single carriageway around the electricity substation at the Wendover end. UK Power Networks are expected to resolve the residual underground cabling issue to allow full use of the road by 19th May.
· The A413 is to be closed at Small Dean for the entire Easter weekend to enable 24 hour piling works for the viaduct beside the railway line. Four weeks of noisy sheet piling beside the road was needed to ensure the safety of the road and the work sites.
· The most northerly pier of the Small Dean Viaduct has been completed with the installation of its “hammerhead”. The four remaining piers are expected to be finished this year.
· The installation of a water main over Folly Bridge is still ongoing, but there is no date currently available for the reopening of the PRoW between Dobbins Lane and the Station Approach Business Estate.
March WPC activity
· WPC secured sponsorship for the “Make Wendover Smile” initiative from EKFB.
· Discussions were held about sponsorship of n public noticeboards to be provided by EKFB.
· Seven public issues were handled in the month; including the community impact of noise from the Small Dean sheet piling works and the failure of the temporary traffic lights on Ellesborough Road.
Current Issues
· It is not clear when the mass excavation of the Green Tunnel Cutting will start, but this will probably be delayed until after Thames Water have moved their sewer and water main on Ellesborough Road. With the current approvals from the Environment Agency most of the excavation through to Bacombe Lane should be possible.
· Work north of the old Cricket Ground is held up due to further studies that the EA have requested about the impact of excavation as far north as Nash Lee Lane due to the groundwater issues. EKFB are planning additional monitoring points and extension of the proposed underground wall around the North Cutting. We have a review with EKFB’s hydrogeologist planned in May, and do not expect any further excavation of the North Cutting before then.
25th March ‘24