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HS2 update on actions and issues - Jan 24

Updated: Nov 20, 2024

Works update

·        Ellesborough Road has been closed for three weeks from 29th January to allow the diversion road to be brought into service during February.  

·        The excavation beside Ellesborough Road is now ready for the installation of the “Utility Services Bridge” to carry water pipes over the cutting.  This second bridge will need to be completed and the Thames Water pipes diverted before the cutting is created through the road.

·        The A413 has been realigned at Small Dean to allow the construction of two viaduct piers between the road and the railway line.  The most southerly pier is now ready to receive its “hammerhead”, which is due for delivery in February as an overnight abnormal lorry load.

·        Work has restarted on the installation of a water main over Folly Bridge, so there is an expectation that the PRoW between Dobbins Lane and the Station Approach Business Estate may reopen in February. 


January WPC activity

·        WPC and WHS2 wrote to Bucks Council to highlight our concerns about the safety of the sharp bend on the Ellesborough Road diversion; including a request for additional signage.  BC will undertake a further formal road safety audit before the diversion is brought into service.

·        Discussion has started regarding potential land reuse projects with Councillor Porter.

·        A provisional date for a Public Meeting has been identified in May to provide a six month progress update for the points raised at the November event.

·        Six public issues were handled in the month.


Current Issues

·        A review of the water related issues with EKFB is now scheduled for early February, and we are chasing disclosure of the promised monthly groundwater monitoring reports to prepare for the meeting.

·        EKFB have changed their Community Engagement team due to the resignation of the local manager and Maternity Leave for the area manager.  We now have the Aylesbury advisor also handling our local issues, reporting to a temporary contractor manager.  Both need to be brought up to speed with Wendover specific concerns.  



30th January ‘24


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