Wendover Parish Council's open spaces are available to hire for sporting events, fitness classes, community events, fairs and anything else that suits the big outdoors!
We have 3 main areas for hire - Manor Waste, Ashbrook Park and Hampden Meadow. Of course, different areas suit different events and we are happy to consider any event at any location. We do charge for hiring if the event is profit making or commercial; the exception to this is fitness classes. The Parish Council recognises the health benefits to Wendover residents. We normally do not charge for purely fundraising or charity events. The minimum hire period is 2 hours and charges may change depending on the nature of the event and any additional support it may need.
When hiring open spaces we ask you to consider other users as these are normally public spaces. We also ask you to consider parking for attendees, particularly at Ashbrook to minimise issues for local residents.
Please download the 3 Year Guide to Charges for information on rates.
In the first instance an application form will need to be completed and submitted to Wendover Parish Council. The application form can be found below, you can download and fill the form in digitally or print it out and fill it out by hand.
Please email the completed form to estates@wendover-pc.gov.uk
or post the form to
The Clock Tower
High Street,
Wendover, Aylesbury
Buckinghamshire, HP22 6DU