The Parish Council
The Parish Council meetings involve all of the corporate Council body of 13 councillors. The meetings are held on a Tuesday evening and the Parish Council is responsible for overseeing the work of the committees, making key decisions that can’t be delegated and reviewing major strategic or financial matters.
The Amenities Committee
The primary purpose of the amenities committee is to examine and recommend to the Council where necessary any maintenance, improvements and additions to the amenities of the Parish. This includes open spaces, ponds and buildings, in addition to benches, bins, bus shelters, play and leisure equipment, war memorial, streetlights and other street furniture that is under the control of the Council or that the Council has agreed to maintain
The Planning Committee
The Planning Committee serves to represent the views of Wendover Parish Council which is a Statutory Consultee for the Local Planning Authority (LPA), currently Buckinghamshire Council, on all planning applications falling within the boundary of the Parish of Wendover and for the wider planning strategy for the County
More information on planning can be found on the dedicated Planning page.
The Staffing Committee
The Staffing Committee deals with, on behalf of the Council, all staffing matters relating to the staff and volunteers of the Council including staff welfare. The committee also considers all matters relating to HR and Health and Safety regulations.
The Finance Committee
The Primary Purpose of the Finance Committee is to manage the Council’s financial resources and to debate and recommend strategy and action on policy and operational matters concerned with Council’s finances. This includes preparing budgets and recommending precepts for submission to the Council for approval. Ensuring adequate financial controls are in place to utilise and protect the Council’s finances and assets and to monitor and effect compliance with laid down internal and external audit and other financial procedures, regulations and statutes. This committee also monitors and approves grants to local organisations - the application process for grants can be found on the Grants page
Financial documents can be viewed on the dedicated Finance page.
The Complaints Committee
This Committee only sits when required to deal with formal complaints against the Council.
The Events Working Group
Reports to Amenities Committee​
The purpose of this working group is to:
Investigate and plan new events
Liaise with external hires of the open spaces for events
The Open Spaces Working Group
Reports to the Amenities Committee, who then reports to the Parish Council.
The purpose of this working group is to:
Consider the current Open Spaces and Play Parks and comment on the usage and equipment.
Consider improving the facilities and equipment. Where possible this should include contractor recommendations and associated costs.
Consider establishing a replacement Skate Park. This should include identifying a suitable location and recommendations on the type of equipment.
Transport Working Group
Reports direct to the Parish Council.
The purpose of this working group is to:
To work with others to determine workable solutions to mitigate the noise nuisance and speed of motor vehicles in and around Wendover.
To work with others to mitigate the noise nuisance and speed of motor vehicles using the A413 Wendover Bypass.
Consider the Wendover Climate Actions Groups proposal for 20mph speed limits within the village and provide tangible proposals for WPC to consider with the Unitary Council.
The Strategy steering group
Reports direct to the Parish Council.
The purpose of this working group is to:
Set the Parish Vision & Long-term Strategic Objectives
Set out a plan to achieve that vision with a 10 year vision with 1yr and 5 yr milestones covering all Council operations
Ensure the community is effectively engaged in the strategy of the Parish Council.
All of our committee's terms of reference can be found on our Policies page.