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All advertising signs and banners require permission to be placed on the Ashbrook railings, any banner that has not received permission will be removed and may be destroyed. Please email to enquire. 


Although the placing of banners on the railings is completely at the discretion of the Parish Council, 

the following guidelines will apply when considering the granting of approval. 


  • Banners must not be placed on the railings for more than 4 weeks prior to the event.  

  • Banners placed earlier than 4 weeks and not removed one week after the event will be removed by the Parish Council and may be destroyed. 

  • Banners/Notices of a political nature are not permitted. 

  • Banners advertising ‘for profit’ events, business or services are not permitted


with only two exceptions; 


  1. Where the business is advertising a group activity that is being held on Ashbrook on a regular day/time which is open to the public, such as a fitness class or other sports activity. (Permission must have already been sort from WPC to use Ashbrook Park in this way).

  2. Where the Parish Council has authorised the use of Ashbrook Park for a ‘for profit’ event such as a Fair or Circus. 


Any banners that are permitted to be placed on the railings must be kept in a good condition by the owners and secured firmly to the railings. Fixings should be of a temporary nature only and removed when taking down the banner.  If the placing or removing of an advertisement on the railings results in damage to the railings, the owner of the banner/sign will be liable to make good that damage. 


Wendover Parish Council reserves the right to remove banners that it does not believe to be safe or of an acceptable condition.

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