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2024/25 MEETINGS
Agendas are available 5 days before a meeting is scheduled to take place.
Please click on an underlined date to view an available Agenda.
From Jan 2023 Agendas will come complete with meeting papers and may take longer to download on slow connections. If you have any issues please email
Full Parish Council
Planning Committee
16 July
7 January
1 April
18 June
3 December
15 April
Participation in Parish Council Meetings
This Council meets and makes its decisions in public and is committed to community engagement and therefore warmly invites members of the public to attend meetings and contribute within the public forum.
Please see this document for further information on this process.
Extraordinary Meetings
Sometimes issues come up that require a meeting additional to the ones on the schedule. These are extraordinary meetings indicated as EO on the schedule. The same notice, agenda and packs will still apply
Confidential Business
Council strives to keep all meetings public and deal with issues transparently. However there are some items that we have to keep confidential because of sensitive personal information being discussed or commercial information that can't be publish at that time. Most Staffing Committee meetings will have confidential sections for that reason. For other meetings we keep the confidential business at the end of the agenda so anyone can attend most of the meeting.
Witchell Trust
4th March
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